Although most of my students take a break over Summer, the holidays are always a busy time for me. Refreshing my teaching space, planning ahead for my pupils in the next academic year, and finding time to continue with my own professional development.
Over the last few months I have become increasingly interested in the many benefits of teaching piano in a group setting. My day-time work in schools already includes teaching pairs of pupils together, and I have been carefully researching the idea of rolling this out to my private lessons too. A small group setting provides such a supportive, fun and engaging way to learn an instrument, the benefits of learning this way are numerous, and I'm very excited to be able to offer this in the evenings / weekends too. I have been busy researching suitable curriculums, and preparing my teaching space, and I am pleased to say that from September (2022) I will be able to welcome partnered lessons into my piano studio.
For more information about the many advantages of learning this way, please see my post in the 'Group Piano' section of the website.
Please feel free to contact me by phone or email to find out more about group lessons, or to register for the next opening.
phone: 07841353778